Go by Example: Methods

Go supports methods defined on struct types.

see pointer vs. value receiver

package main
import "fmt"
type user struct {
    name  string
    email string

value receiver will only works on the copy of struct

func (u user) notify() {
    fmt.Printf("Sending email to %s<%s>\n", u.name, u.email)

will not change because this method is a value receivere. warning: ineffective assignment to field user.name

    u.name = "will not change"

will de-reference to (*u).email under the hood

func (u *user) changeEmail(email string) {
    u.email = email
func main() {
    ua := user{name: "Tom", email: "tom@gmail.com"}
    ub := user{name: "Ben", email: "ben@gmail.com"}
    fmt.Println("ua.name", ua.name)
    fmt.Println("ua.email", ua.email)
    fmt.Println("ub.email", ub.email)
$ go run methods.go 
Sending email to Tom<tom@gmail.com>
ua.name Tom
ua.email tom@newdomain.com
ub.email ben@newdomain.com

Next example: Channel: Merge.